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Bachelor of Applied Science-Behavioral Health

The BAS-Behavioral Health application is now open. The first cohort for this program will begin fall quarter 2025.

About the Program

The BAS-Behavioral Health program is delivered in partnership between Big Bend Community College and Wenatchee Valley College. Students are co-enrolled in courses at both colleges, and receive advising, support services, and financial aid from their home college.

The BAS-BH program is designed to accommodate the needs of working and place-bound students. Courses will be taught in a hybrid format so that students will meet "live" three times a quarter while the remaining coursework will take place online. Faculty will use web-enhanced technology, combined with individualized attention, to focused learning and unique opportunities to partner with underserved and key populations in North Central Washington.

The BAS Behavioral Health degree includes courses in: Human Services, Cultural and Social Issues in Behavioral Healthcare, Case Management, Therapeutic Skills, and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders. In their senior year, students complete a three-quarter field experience with a local behavioral health clinic.

The BAS-Behavioral Health degree builds upon any associate degree by providing junior and senior-level courses focused on behavioral health. Students graduating from associate degree programs in criminal justice, early childhood education, medical assistance, and chemical dependency studies are encouraged to apply. 

Behavioral Health Support Specialist

The program is directly aligned with the Behavioral Health Support Specialist credential (BHSS). BHSS credentialing begins in January 2025 and will expand behavioral health services, especially in primary care teams at community health, rural health, and hospital centers. A bachelor-prepared BHSS delivers evidence-based interventions for common behavioral health conditions (i.e. depression, anxiety, substance use disorders) as part of an integrated care team, with costs of the services reimbursable through state Medicaid and third-party insurance providers. 


Students may apply online in February 2025. 

Information Sessions

Interested in our Bachelor of Applied Science-Behavioral Health program? Make plans to attend one of our live, virtual Information Sessions!

Each hour-long session will cover program and course information, career possibilities, ways to pay for college, how to apply and more!

  • Dec. 11, 2024,  6 p.m. via Zoom
  • Jan. 8, 2025, 6 p.m. via Zoom
  • Jan. 22, 2025, 12 p.m., via Zoom
  • Feb. 3, 2025, 12 p.m., via Zoom
  • Feb. 26, 2025, 6 p.m., via Zoom


Graduates of the BAS-Behavioral Health program may find employment as peer counselors, client advocates, care coordinators, social services program coordinators, housing navigators, shelter support staff, residential counselor/coordinator, wellness coordinators, behavioral health and addictions/recovery case managers/navigators, food bank and meal program coordinators, community/senior center coordinators, academic mentors, crisis response specialists, crisis responders, crisis hotline responders, community advocates, homeless outreach specialists, DV victim advocates, or recover specialists.

Earnings range by industry and job type, and the average earnings are about $51K - $64K annually. 
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, projected growth in this in-demand occupation is faster than average. 

BAS-BH graduates are eligible to continue their education into graduate school, including programs such as Master of Social Work, Counseling, and other health service-related degrees.

Special Features
  • Students in the BAS-Behavioral Healthcare program have the advantage of a low faculty-to- student ratio. 
  • Cohort model: a best-practice model used in higher education where students who start the program together take the same courses together, fostering a learning community and support network. 
  • The BAS-Behavioral Healthcare program does not currently have a waiting list.
  • The BAS-BH was designed to align with industry needs for the new Behavioral Health Support Specialist (BHSS) credential.   
  • The BAS-Behavioral Healthcare program curriculum is designed to prepare students for completing master's degrees in related fields. 
  • Online and hybrid courses
  • Part-and full-time schedule options
  • Fall, winter and spring quarter
  • Hands-on training through in-person fieldwork at local behavioral health organizations
  • Evening academic and student support
  • Success coaching: personal and career coaching and workshops offered in the evening

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
PLO Number Description
PLO1 Demonstrate knowledge of the structures, functions, and organizations within the healthcare system, with a specific focus on Behavioral Health (BH) organizations
PLO2 Communicate proficiently with clients, families, and members of the care team, utilizing suitable channels to enhance personal care, contribute to positive health outcomes, and instill optimism for recovery
PLO3 Exhibit integrity by consistently practicing ethical behavior, developing a meaningful practice of self-care, maintaining confidentiality, self-reflection, and approaching work with cultural sensitivity and humility
PLO4 Demonstrate ability to effectively function as a member of an interprofessional care team in coordinating services and resources 
PLO5 Identify and address barriers that hinder access and equity within the BH system, delivering culturally relevant services to clients and their families 
PLO6 Conduct screenings and assessments, utilizing the gathered information to develop and implement client-centered care plans 
PLO7 Demonstrate understanding of various theories of practice to intervene in behavioral health conditions.